Kevin Ubay-Ubay

B.S. Computer Engineering, California Polytechnic State University
June, 2013

Software Projects

Path Tracer
A physically based uni-directional path tracer implemented for a course in advanced rendering techniques. Implemented multiple importance sampling with support for physically based BRDFs such as Cook-Torrance.
Real-Time Rendering Engine
An OpenGL real-time rendering engine that was developed as a senior project for my undergraduate degree. This project made use of various methods such as deferred shading, screen space directional occlusion (SSDO) and cascaded shadow mapping.
Crusin' Pangaea
A game I participated in the development of with a team of six for a course on real-time rendering techniques. My contributions to this project include working on the physics/gameplay, animation and the deferred rendering pipeline.
PC Fez Clone
My first OpenGL project that I worked on for an introduction to computer graphics course.

A computer generated rendering of a kitchen demonstrating global illumination. Rendered using my path tracer.

Other Projects

Test Automation Infrastructure
A project I worked on with a team to automate the process of running tests and collecting data on RAID storage systems.
Octacore Single Board Computer
A single board computer that was designed and built around the Parallax Propeller microcontroller. A spectrum analyzer was written to demonstrate its capability.
© 2013 Kevin Ubay-Ubay